Crafting Chavs

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I need more crafting time!

I've been looking at other people's craft blogs and getting jealous how everyone else seems to finish projects so quickly! Every quarter I tell myself I'm going to devote myself to some serious crafting time every week. And then cut up pieces of fabric sit on the sewing machine, skeins of yarn wait to be used, beads are waiting in their packages to be opened.
At least I'll have some time spring break to get caught up. At least a little.
There never seems to be any shortage of money or sales at Joann, so I have a seriously embarassing stash of EVERYTHING and no time to do it all. Bah!

Anyway, I have plans to start knitting my first sweater soon. I'm just trying to decide which one. I want to start with something simple, but not boring.
Nominations for Anna's first sweater will be posted in a couple days.


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