Blue Dress Part 1

Today, I finished the blue dress. The fabric was purchased at Tina's in Seattle, an adventure in fabric shopping! The bolts are stacked, piled high, or just leaning against each other. I found this fabric on a table with another bolt of blue-patterned fabric on a sheer backing. I plan to make Part 2 out of that fabric, and wear both together. The pattern is Butterick B5147. Adventures that occurred during this project: not reading the pattern and discovering that the dress is lined, which required another trip to the fabric store; taking a lengthy search through my craft room to find the hem tape I swear I purchased but failing to do so (I had to use a backup, darker color).
I really like the blue one by itself! Can't wait to see it in person
I will definitely wear it next time I see you! I think it looks great on me but there was no one at home to take the picture with me in it.
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