Crafting Chavs

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ruffle Top and Week 2 of Bookbinding

McCalls 5803
Fabric from Sundbybergs in Stockholm
I got another chance to use some of my Swedish fabric. This time, I paired it with a Hilary Duff pattern, which looks to be out of print. I may not like her acting, but I do like her patterns, I own at least three.
This one went together quickly and easily. The fabric was very narrow, but I mysteriously and luckily had about 5 yards of it (I remember asking for 2 1/2 of everything at Sundbybergs, and I can't remember if I asked for more, or if they cut me extra).
I got the buttons at a flea market somewhere between Long Beach, WA and Seattle. You might not be able to tell from the photos, but the fabric is covered in little umbrellas, which makes it awesome.
I love it!

Pamphlet Stitch Books
And it was week two of bookbinding. I apologize in advance for my terrible photography, they really are best viewed in person.
Above was our first book, a little needle case. We learned how to make a tab, and do a basic pamphlet stitch.
Next we made this guy. My instructor said she doesn't like to use glue, so we did lots of folding to get our books together. This one uses tabs and slots. We used a 5-Hole stitch to bind the white paper to the pretty paper and did a series of folds so that the binding is hidden on the outside.

And finally we did this one, a Dos-A-Dos is what it is named (although our instructor said Do-Si-Do. Misspelling? I don't know). It's actually a double-sided book. The cover folds over, as you can see, but it's held together with another strip of card stock so it doesn't fall out.
These books were really fun and simple, so I'd like to do more. The class moves so fast, I just want to keep up and in the end, my books are a little off. So even in person, they're not perfect.
Accordion folding next week!


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