Crafting Chavs

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Pink Shirt

I finished this shirt a week ago or so but finally was able to take some time to download the pictures.  When I "approved" this picture, I looked at the shirt, not the fact my eyes are at half-mast.  Anyway, the fabric is from the garage sale Anna and I went to many years ago (cotton was $1 a yard).  I used the same pattern that created the too-small-for-me blue shirt (posted 2/11/12).  The difference between the two is, for this one, I actually read the pattern and the reference to "suitable for stretch fabrics".  This one actually fits and is a bit too big.

  My extra touch on this shirt is the trim.  Background story:  I purchased suits on ebay, one of which is pink but with an obvious failed spot remover area. Even the dry cleaner could not fix that. So, I went on a search for some trim that I could use to cover the spot, or at least detract the onlooker's eye.  I found this string of daisy-like flowers which closely match the pink.  I wasn't quite pleased with them but it's all I could find at JoAnn's.  I then tried the fabric store in Sodo and found another trim I like even more (picture to be added later).  Since I had this trim leftover, I added it to this pink shirt.  I think it's a nice touch!  It took me much longer to hand-sew the trim on than it took to make the shirt.  It might not be obvious that the front of the shirt has a twist-effect and that the two pieces that twist together are separate from the full-size front of the shirt.  I had enough trim to edge both of those separate pieces.


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