Crafting Chavs

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Hat I Don't Like

I don't know, I just don't like it on me. But I made it all during my free time at work, so I sort of indirectly got paid to make it. Someone at work said she was interested in it, so I will probably give it to her.
Anyway, nothing against the pattern, I just don't think I'm much of a hat person. Here's where I got it

The Dress That Almost Made Me Crazy

Just about everything that could go wrong with this dress did. And now it looks almost nothing like the pattern (which is ok, since I love how it turned out).

Here's what it was supposed to look like

I got the pattern from Burda magazine. The way the patterns work is that the pieces are all on two big sheets of paper, overlapping each other, and it's your job to trace them onto tracing paper in order to cut them out. Well, I don't know WHAT happened, but when I sewed the side seams together, the back was about six inches shorter than the front! That's where the band across the bottom came from. Then the sleeves were way too puffy, so those had to go. I still like them though, but it would probably work better with bottom-heavy fabric. And I added a tie belt because I felt like it.