Crafting Chavs

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pencil Skirt!

New Look 6874
I needed a versatile pencil skirt. I want more librarian-type clothes, so I plan on making some more blouses and skirts until it gets a little warmer.
There was a little problem with this skirt. Way too small. And not a little too small like the green dress. I think my bottom half isn't shaped for a straight skirt, I'm more A-line shaped.
So I could either scrap it or put in an extra panel on the side that basically says "I thought my ass was smaller than it is". I decided to pleat the panel (it's hard to see in the picture) so it looks more decorative and less like a mistake. And I added a couple of buttons on the pocket yoke. Luckily it fits now, but I'll have to be careful when I make pencil skirts in the future.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Silk Shirt For Me

New Look 6831
I love this pattern, but I HATE working with silk. It's hard to manage. This is some of the fabric I got from Tori's garage sale.
But, I think it turned out really well. It's so light and soft. I sort of wish I had interfaced the collar, though, since it gets a little limpy. I actually plan on making a 2nd one once I'm done with the skirt I cut out. I need to get a knitting project going, all I've been doing is sewing!
And in case you have the same question as Chad ("What's that on your face?"), it's bubble gum.

Here it is

Moose Shirt

All I did was the embroidery. I got the shirt at Goodwill's post-Glitter Days Goodwill hoards all their designer and higher-end clothing until holiday time when they have their Glitter Day sale. After that, they send it into the stores for the peasants to have sloppy seconds. Just joking, it's actually a really nice shirt.

Speaking of sloppy, here's a bad close-up

I just did a Google image search for "moose outline" and found this, printed it off and made an iron-on transfer. No problemo.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Need to lose the holiday weight

Vogue 8469
I finally made my little green dress that I've been wanting for awhile and it's just a hair too small. I blame the holiday weight I've yet to lose. Also, I hardly try stuff on as I go anymore since I know my size (or I thought I did). At least I can zip it up, it's just a tad too tight around the waist.
Other than that, it was a really easy pattern.
I put a pear on the back so it wouldn't be too plain. The pear is from my Sublime Stitching book.