Impulse Buy!
Maybe now that I'm no longer a receptionist I don't have adequate knitting time.
It's hard to model socks when there's no one there to take your picture. But you'll see them when you get them.
Happy belated Mother's Day!
I hadn't dyed anything since taking Surface Design at the UW and I was a little worried because I remembered how nothing ever turned out the way you wanted it.
And it didn't
What was a bright, shiny greet turned into a sort of dark, army green. I was a little upset at first, but the new color has grown on me. It was more the texture of the fabric that I was attracted to in the first place, anyway. Vintage fabric always seems to have interesting texture.
Color aside, this dress was made for that ruffle! It's not a big feat, but it's a start on patternmaking. The pattern piece was an interesting shape. Here it is:
How the hell does that become a ruffle?, you ask. Well, here is what I did (excuse the illustrations):
Attach it back to your skirt piece and it will be ruffled and ready!