Domestic Diva Apron

When the Hancock Fabric in Bremerton was having many going-out-of-business sales, I visited frequently. One item I purchased was this all-in-one apron (at $5 off). It consists of all the pattern pieces printed on a piece of fabric. I cut out each piece and, following the less than explicit instructions, put the apron together. It reminded me of trying to put together scandinavian furniture with only the pictures as directions. I hung the pattern cover on the apron. This is the only time you will see this apron over this dress, as well. They just don't go together, unless I plan to dress up to cook (including pearls!).
What next? I saw a Vogue pattern sale at Joann's; I've been carrying around a Vogue pattern number for a long time; so long, I could not remember what it is for! It turns out it's for a peacoat (or long double-breasted coat). I remember Anna telling me, when I was looking and looking for a peacoat I could afford (and fit into) that I should make it myself. On one of our trips to Joann's, I found this Vogue pattern. Not being one to pay full price for a pattern, I waited for a sale! I have the pattern but plan to try making it from cheaper fabric first. I should find something in that stash I have from our trip to that lady's garage (remember that, Anna?). I bought some chunks of material; too many to recall (hmmm, maybe that red corduroy).