Blue dress, part 2
The last time I wrote about this dress (here) I mentioned my misgivings and promised another story when I fixed them. Today's the day! I added the piece to the back, which now rises to a height I am more comfortable with. Unfortunately, I see a little hump about 1/3 or the way down so I'll have to take that in. I took another Butterick pattern, laid out the back and placed my dress over it. I then used my tracing wheel to create the missing area I needed on a piece of paper. I then cut that piece out of my ample leftover fabric and added it to the top of the back. Of course, that required that I re-insert the zipper (3rd time).
You might also recall that I mentioned the neck piece needed to be altered so it lay flat. I decided to try gathering it a bit, since I had extra without the dip in the back. That still didn't make it lie as flat as I would have liked, so I tore off the extended piece, leaving the original width. It still has a bit of a gather in it, which I like, and seems to be enough coverage to make me feel comfortable.
After I fix that bump on the back, and iron this dress yet again, I will finally be able to wear it! With a sweater, of course, since this has taken me into the chillier days.